After finishing the meal, it is necessary to eat the part of the middle matzo set aside (hidden) at the beginning of the Seder.

The Hebrew word tzafun means concealed or hidden, which accurately conveys the uncertainty and peculiarity of the origin of this step. Here, children actively come into action - they are looking for afikoman, and according to tradition, the one who finds it demands a “ransom”. And you can “redeem” it with chocolate or some other sweet treats. This tradition has one purpose - to keep the children awake so that do not miss any part of the Seder until the afikoman is eaten up.

Then, the host distributes pieces of afikoman. It is eaten as a symbol of the Passover offering that used to be eaten at the end of the Passover Seder during the First and Second Temple eras. Afikoman is considered the last dish, after it you can no longer eat or drink anything, except for the remaining 2 cups of wine.